Learn Russian for free & offline with FunEasyLearn

The fastest way to learn Russian

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Why learn Russian with FunEasyLearn?

Girl with her free gift - Russian language course
Fun, easy & free

Play fun and efficient reading, listening, writing and speaking games to develop a great Russian vocabulary. Progress easily through various difficulty levels. Collect flowers to subscribe for free and unlock additional features.

Boy learning Russian offline near a campfire
Offline learning

Have full control over your learning process by choosing when and where to learn Russian. Use the biggest language learning courses anywhere you want, even if you don't have internet access. Fit easily our lessons into your busy schedule and learn every day.

Alphabet and beakers
Scientific approach

At FunEasyLearn we believe that vocabulary acquisition is the key to effective language learning. Our unique approach is designed to allow you to easily read, listen, speak and write in the Russian language.

Discover the world's biggest Russian course

Russian alphabet

Easy way of learning the letters and the reading rules. Speeds up the vocabulary acquisition process, by making it efficient and entertaining.

6,000 Russian words

Learn and memorize the Russian words that will be relevant to your everyday needs. Learn fast how to pronounce, spell and translate any word by playing our fun and easy games.

5,000 Russian phrases

Learn Russian phrases and expressions to be able to communicate freely in everyday situations, during business discussions, when travelling, etc. More than 120 topics include the most frequently used Russian expressions.

transliterations Created with Sketch.
11,000 transliterations

Learn how to read and speak Russian with the help of the FunEasyLearn transliteration technology that will transform the Cyrillic alphabet into Latin characters.

Visual, auditory & verbal learning

Hand draws with a brush
Hand-drawn illustrations

Learn Russian words, phrases and expressions by associating them with our colorful hand-drawn illustrations.

Woman listening to Russian pronunciation
Human pronunciations

Repeat and pronounce any word or phrase with the help of our audio recordings made by native speaking voice actors.

Woman speaking Russian language
Speech recognition technology

Record your pronunciation using the FunEasyLearn Speech Recognition system, get feedback and improve your accent.

Learn Russian faster with games

Bee learning a language through games
Play games

Learn Russian by playing 30 fun games. Read, listen, write and speak Russian. Improve your pronunciation skills. Make vocabulary acquisition fast and easy for you.

Bee improving its Russian and progressing
Complete levels

From beginner to expert - the more FunEasyLearn games you play, the more learning objectives you reach. Acquire new skills, track your progress and review what you've managed to learn. Make your vocabulary acquisition more efficient.

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Master any difficulty level of Russian

Russian for Beginners

Start learning Russian by reviewing the most common words and expressions. Begin language acquisition by focusing on your listening comprehension, thanks to all the professionally recorded human pronunciations. Introduce yourself, greet your foreign acquaintances, say where you live or make orders in a restaurant on your own.

Russian for Intermediate Learners

Use FunEasyLearn to take your communication skills to a new level. Build up a solid Russian vocabulary and communicate freely with native Russian speakers. Be able to share your thoughts and discuss your plans.

Russian for Advanced Learners

Enrich your vocabulary and communicate with confidence. Improve your pronunciation. Choose the right style and tone when speaking or writing. Communicate easily by building complex sentences from the vocabulary you already know and communicate with the native speakers.

Russian for Travelling

The FunEasyLearn phrasebook contains a wide range of travel-related topics. It is designed to allow you to feel confident when communicating abroad. Ease your travelling experiences by learning Russian. Be able to buy plane tickets, book hotel rooms, rent cars and even start conversations with the locals.

Russian for Business

FunEasyLearn knows how to make learning more convenient and time-saving for your business. Our specialized lessons were designed by certified linguists and experienced teachers. They allow restaurant staffs, taxi drivers, shop assistants, flight attendants to learn Russian by developing the most basic communication skills. Help your customers, greet your guests, give clear directions or hold work-related conversations in the Russian language.

Russian for Kids

Your kids will love learning Russian vocabulary with the help of beautiful illustrations and intuitive games. Choose a practical dictionary for them to learn according to their age interests. Colours, numbers, clothes, animals, body parts and more. Our varied selection of topics is perfect for any age and learning ability.

Learn what you're interested in

Bee with the Russian alphabet

Russian Alphabet

Bee reading Russian words from a book

Russian Words

Bee speaking Russian language from a tribune

How to Speak Russian

Bee learning phrases to communicate with the whole world

Russian Phrases

Why learn Russian?

The Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn once said: "Know languages, know countries, know people. Let your memory be your travel bag". Language learning is your ticket to new discoveries and adventures. If you learn Russian, it will definitely change your life. Russian is ranked 8th in the world for the number of native speakers and 5th for the number of total Russian speakers. Learn Russian and read in original the works of the famous poets and writers, such as Pushkin, Dostoyevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, Gogol, Brodsky, Yesenin, Turgenev and so many others. Visit the famous Russian theatres and museums. Appreciate the beauty of the Russian culture through its language. Speak in Moscow about the Bolshoi Theatre, carry out a conversation in Saint-Petersburg about the Hermitage, bring a bathing suit to Sochi and put a lot of sour cream on your "пельмени" /pelimeni/. Speak and improve your skills as you discover the biggest country in the world. The Russians stand out by being brilliant engineers, artists, musicians, choreographers, film-makers, mathematicians and so on. They have a unique culture, mentality and vision of life. Also, learning Russian is essential if you are thinking of becoming an astronaut. It is the official language of space. The Russian language is charged emotionally. You can describe your thoughts, opinions and plans in so many interesting ways you can't even imagine. There are almost no dialects of the Russian language, except for the basic ones: Southern, Northern and Central. So, when different people from different parts of Russia speak, you cannot even hear the difference between their accents. Moreover, Russian is widely spoken in other 15 ex-soviet countries such as Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Moldova, etc. Also, once you learn Russian, it will be easier for you to discover other Slavic languages as well: Ukrainian, Belarusian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Slovenian, Polish, Czech, Slovak, etc.

Russian language course for travellingRussian language course for travelling

Interesting facts about the Russian language

Russian colloquialisms

"Да нет" /Da net/ (Yes no) means "Not really".
Use it to express a soft rejection.


"Да ладно!" /Da ládna/ (Yes ok) means "No way!".
Show you are surprised or express distrust.


"Блин!" /Blin/ (Pancake!) means "Oops!".
Say it when you're annoyed, disappointed or surprised.

Polite addressing in Russian

In the Russian language, your first and last name are not considered your full name. And most of the time people won't address you as Mister or Missis, but they will use your father's name - "отчество" /otchestvo/ next to your first name. For instance - Анастасия Павловна Иванова /Anastasia Pavlovna Ivanova/.

Word stress can change the meaning of the word

"Я плачу́" /ya plachoo/
means "I pay"
"Я плáчу" /ya plachu/
means "I'm crying"

The most creative word

to underoverdrink
To have too much to drink, but to be unsatisfied and want to drink more.


Russian words and where they come from

To be skinny = to be bad

"худой" /hudoy/ skinny or thin
originally meant
"плохой" /plohoy/ bad
Russian people believed that being skinny was bad for health. In this way they started using a single word for both meanings.

The Russian words almost never start with the letter "A"

Notable exceptions:
азбука (alphabet)
авось (perhaps)
Most Russian words that start with an "A" were borrowed from another language.

You can't win alone in the Future Tense

You can't use the verb "to win" in the Future Tense from the first person, singular, in Russian.
"I will win"
"Я победю" /ya pobediu/ or "Я побежду" /ya pobejdu/ are both incorrect.
"We will win"
"Мы победим" /my pobedim/ is correct.

To be or not to be

The word "бытие" /bytiye/
means the higher state of being.
The root of the word is "to be" or "to exist", but the meaning goes far beyond that, into the state of mind or reality.


Tips on how to use the FunEasyLearn app more efficiently

Ideas how to learn Russian course

Learn the most common words, phrases and expressions and use them in day-to-day situations;


Use our unique review system to develop a practical vocabulary and remember every word and phrase you've learned;


Mark the contents you need as favorites and hide the ones that you don't want to learn;


Associate each word or sentence with a colourful hand-drawn illustration, memorize its spelling and learn its pronunciation;


Make your vocabulary acquisition motivating and efficient with our easy language learning games.

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